Schloss Lerchen MUSEUM & capuchin tower MUSEUM
Museums in Radstadt
Take a fascinating tour of local history in these two museums of Radstadt. Heimatmuseum Schloss Lerchen introduces visitors to famous local people down the years, provides insights into the crafts and skills of yesteryear, and reveals plenty about the geology and landscape of the region. The Kapuzinerturm museum is an interesting place to visit, not least because of its artfully crafted roof truss and the history of the tower itself. A multimedia presentation takes visitors back to the age of the peasant revolts in 1526.
Schloss Lerchen Museum
The 'Heimat' museum, in an original building whose existence was first documented in 1289, is home to the following fascinating exhibitions:
- History of Radstadt
- Famous local people (e.g. Paul Hofhaimer)
- Historic crafts & Radstadt ceramics
- The development of skiing
- Geology & topology - the 'hands-on' science of rocks
- Adventure and discorvery cave for kids
- 'Window on the Silurian Age' and the ocean floor 400 million years ago
Opening Times
Summer 2024
05th June – 27th September:
Wednesdy, Thursday & Friday
10.00 am – 12.00 pm
02.30 pm – 05.00 pm
Capuchin tower museum
The Capuchin tower was erected in 1526, during the peasant revolts and provides information on the following issues:
- Story of the 1526 peasant revolts with an impressive multimedia film show
- Farming life deep in the mountains centuries ago
- Architecture & viewing of the artfully crafted 16th century roof truss
- Traditional Perchten & Krampus ghouls
Opening Times
Monday - Friday
09.00 am – 04.30 pm
Entrance tickets available at the tourist office
Price 2025
Single ticket: € 5,-
Single ticket with guest card: € 4,-
Single ticket for school and youth groups: € 2,-
SalzburgerLand Card: included